“Find a job you love and you will never have to work.” - Anonymous
People are smart in many ways and your chances of having a successful career and a happy life may have a lot to do with your knowledge of the kind of Intelligence that is strongest in you. Being skilled at recognizing and using your unique talents has its advantages. Your job will be personally fulfilling if you use your innate strengths. Wouldn't you rather do something that is natural and effortless to you?
1. As we discussed in class, There are several different kinds of intelligence. They are listed below for your reference.
Kinesthetic - Body Smart (The book calls this "Physical")
Linguistic - Word Smart
Logical - Number Smart (The book calls this "Mathmatical")
Interpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Myself Smart
Musical - Music Smart
Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart
Naturalistic - Nature Smart (This category was not included in the book)
2. Now, take the Multiple Intelligences test at the link below.
3. Now, you will interpret the results of your test.
A. Write down the the results of your intelligence test
B. Was the test accurate?
C. Give us examples to illustrate why it is accurate or why it is not. For example, if you have strong Visual/Spatial intelligence, tell us about a skill you have that uses it.
4. Describe the kind of intelligence that is least like you. For reference, here is a description of each kind of intelligence again:
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